Apparently an eclipse normally heralds a period of turbulence and change, particularly if it falls on your birthday. Let's hope it is positive.
Enjoying life and work in South Asia............
It was my friend's birthday during our stay. She didn't want any fuss but word still got around. We were sitting on her balcony that evening with some bubbly to celebrate quietly. When there was a knock at the door and she heard ' room service', so didn't think to pay much attention. Shortly after, we left the balcony and on passing through her room she was waved through quickly by the room service young man. We realised that there was some plot afoot, particularly given that the said room service young man was sprawled across the four poster bed surrounded by flower petals and leaves! "Please don't look", he pleaded. "Er - OK, no problem" we assured him. Only to hear him call after us - "Excuse me - so could you tell me how you spell your name"?
The poor lad was in charge of making the elaborate flower petal decorations on each guest's bed each night and had been instructed to do a special one for my friend as it was her birthday! Not easy to do this subtly when you don't know the spelling!