I am sure this will be the first of many similar posts. I can't resist signs which make me smile, laugh out loud, cringe or wonder what on earth they mean. Some signs prompt all reactions! In Nepal I also used to collect newspaper headlines and cuttings with wonderful epxressions in them - one of my favourites was the headline "
Vegetable farming yields fruit" How on earth did that happen?? Genetic modification? Miracle? ........?? I still have the little scrap book with these gems and will share them here from time to time.
Now moving to the present. We were in Bangalore recently and I was rather alarmed (and curious) to see this sign. in one of the streets...............

Luckily J was able to enlighten me - it means ear piercing done here, by an ear piercing machine!!

A very good sales tactic
I love it. There are so many signs I've seen in India and China where I wished I had my camera at the ready. So many things that don't translate well.
In Chennai I particularly like the traffic recommendations and the many words-to-live-by platitude slogans painted along walls telling people to work hard, pay their taxes, help others or be calm. Brilliant!
Philippa, your blog brings back so many memories of our 4 years in Delhi. I too have a folder full of funny and interesting clippings and photos. One year I collected the daily newsreports of the appoaching monsoon, which made headline everyday. Keep 'em coming.
Pauline, Mongolia
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