Yesterday the skies were unusually grey with the heavy and fully black monsoonal clouds and through the day the rain was constant. With the result that by the time dark fell, my road had transformed to a river incredibly quickly. The pavements are uncomfortably high for walking, but for some time they were able to keep the water at bay. Finally though, the persistence of the rain falling brought the water levels above the pavement levels. There seems to be a bit of an incline on my street, so the water at one end was much deeper than the other.

This morning, the river is still there but the rain had eased during the night, so it had receded a fair bit. Heavy winds and the high water had thrown a few trees and rubbish around.

A new view from my window.

It is important to see this in perspective though. This year India, and other parts of the region, have seen devastating flooding and although the rains have subsided, the damage and after effects have brought terrible destruction and disease. In the south east of the country we are only now seeing our monsoon season, and although the rain is presently disruptive and destructive, it is not on the scale that we have seen in the north where relief efforts are still underway.
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