We traveled out of Islamabad on the dusty highway to the ancient site of Taxila and on the way I was fascinated by the trucks. They are ornately decorated and many have old wooden doors which are beautifully carved.
And some interesting sights on the backs of some of the trucks - like a tiger and a horse - and evidently some eminent figure! And trucks don't have the monopoly on decoration either - the buses are pretty fancy too, if a tad overcrowded. as are the smaller mini buses
But if you need something a bit less crowded, for example if you want to travel with your favourite buffalo then there are also options for you................. or of course, there's always Shank's pony.
Living and working in Asia (Nepal, Mongolia, India, Sri Lanka and now Myanmar) for the past 9 years. Mostly (but not always) thriving on the challenges, always marvelling at how privileged I am to be here.
Life took a huge turn in a different direction in October 2009 - and this has its own space due to connection limitations in our new location. You can follow this on http://feistybluegeckofightsback.wordpress.com/
Thanks for following the Feisty Blue Gecko through thick and thin, good times and tough times!
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